Also, just a note, you should make sure to have move objects turned on because many builders use this cheat when building and not having it on can cause issues when placing from the gallery. The game will then ask you if you want the house furnished or unfurnished, choosing unfurnished means that the furniture will no longer be inside of the home.

On this screen you’ll want to click on the bottom right hand corner button to place the lot and get to start enjoying it. Once you find one that you like and that fits for your family, you can click on it and you’ll see the screen below. You can then use the search functions and filters to find a home that fits for you, and uses packs that you own so you can take full advantage of the home. Downloading homes from the gallery is quick and easy, you’ll first want to open up the gallery by clicking the little lightbulb icon when you’re in build mode.

The best thing to find on the gallery is houses, because most of us don’t have the skills we need to build gorgeous homes in The Sims 4.