Guitarists MUST remember that there is a ‘capo’ on though and not get the shapes confused with the guitar shape names. I’ll get some proper chord boxes done soon, but I have to remake my guitar template!! So for now this shows you the frets from the top string (String 4, toward the sky) to the bottom string (String 1, nearest the ground).Ĭomparing them with guitar grips: the C chord could be seen as the thinnest 4 strings of an Open G chord, the F like the top part of an Open C chord and the G looks exactly like an Open D. I’ll do a whole separate lesson on the basic chords but here’s a few of the easiest ones to get you going. So most people don’t use a strap, they just grip it with their forearm… it can take a while to get used to it, I’d recommend sitting down and letting it rest on your lap when you first start and worry about playing it standing up a little later on. I think of the tuning like the thinnest four strings of a guitar with a capo at the 5th fret! This can make chords shapes easier to remember too. I recommend getting a tuner because you will find that most Uke’s go out of tune pretty often! My Maton has a tuner built in, and some other ukes also have this feature, if yours does not then a small clip on tuner like the D’Addario NS Micro Tuner would be a great fit!).

Getting your Uke in tune is an essential first step.